Hi There,
I have been trough allot of ups and downs in my Life and always found strenght in God and Praying for the Greater Good. I always return to a Place inside that truly wishes for Everyones happiness, A space that is reserved for Peace, a place inside all of us .
I am as human as you are and This is the Greatest Trade we all collectively Share. We all desire a Peaceful Life .
I was born in a beautiful country in South america called Suriname in 1984
I was given the name Anouck .

Creation is ever evolving Living energy Planted by all citizens in this universe.
We are living on a planet which is named Earth and has such a tremendous importance in this Universe
We own the Ability To develop Affection, Love, Kindness, and comfort its our natural self
A gift Only known this way on Earth a Living Beauty in the existence of this universe
everyone owns the right To Love and Be Loved

 These are tunes for a peace filled mind 

We are here for Each other with each other
We are All Just Humans trying to find our way as Positive and Loving as possible
Times are frustrating now , yet we still are one kind .
Because every single one of us deserves what everyone else has.
I invite you to Read, To respond, To create together with me a Peaceful mind
with tips and tricks
so that with each day that passes by your Self Love Grows and you realize
That you are worth so much more then just being here.
I hope you realize how much Hope Lies within a Good heart.
Not just your own , but all around.
Kindness goes along way, make someone Smile today.

Peace begins inside yourself, Click here to visit Ananda Marga